The Reading Journal for Book Lovers: With Prompts, Reading Log, and a Bucket List

The Art The Art of Learning


You Are About to Start Reading Smarter! How much knowledge and awesome ideas did you get from the books you've read -- only to forget them, and quickly? Did you ever wonder about what it is exactly that we get from books that makes them so precious in our lives? What is it that YOU are appreciative of the most? * New knowledge? * Experiences you wouldn't have (or know about) otherwise? * Inspiration and surges of creativity? * Comfort? We bet you got a ton of it so far... but how much can you recall when you need it? How much of it has actually stayed with you? (Oh, you're not alone in it, we are a forgetful species, just google "Ebbinghaus' Forgetting Curve".) THE Reading Journal for Book Lovers was designed to help you capture the essence and context of what was important to you about a book, and why. That means, you are giving yourself the opportunity to relieve, relearn, and strengthen in your mind and heart the experiences and insights you lived through the book. You will easily be able to: ✓ Keep a log of the books you read. ✓ Capture the ideas and inspiration that pop up while you are reading. ✓ Record key takeaways, what made you tick, your favorite quotes. ✓ Capture questions or topics about which you want to do further reading or research. If you never kept a reading journal before, know that this can be a deeply personal journey because the whole experience asks that you reflect on a book, why it made an impression on you, or why it didn't. And you can discover some pretty amazing things about yourself in the process! You can do the reflection part during reading or after (that only depends on how you like to keep notes -- although we did leave two full pages for each book, one to summarize the key points quickly, the other for you to freestyle). How to Use THE Reading Journal ◆ At the very beginning, you will find the index of the books you've read (or audio, or Kindle, or whatever kind of format you prefer) since you started the journal. It's a quick overview, like a table of contents, with the book title, author's name, and page where you can find your entries for each book. There's space for all 100 books you can fill this journal with. ◆ We made each book entry page double-side. On the left, you will find places to fill the book details, from title to why you read it in the first place, what it inspired you to do/be/feel/get, key takeaways, favorite quotes, and recommendations. On the right, a full dotted grid page for your notes. Or doodles. Or random thoughts. Or what you've experienced. Or... ◆ Finally, we made you space to create another list of books, this time the to-read list, or your reading bucket list if you want. It's a handy place to put all the new books you discover along the way (with at least a brief thought around why that book made your list). If you are about ready to start capturing the gems you come across instead of forgetting about them in a few days, then order THE Reading Journal for Book Lovers right away (maybe even a few copies, just in case).