If you're a teenager looking to make money, you've come to the right place! You're at a time in your life when it's important to learn how to earn and manage your own money. Chances are that as a child you received an allowance for doing things around the house for your parents. If so, you have had a taste of what earning your own money is like. If you've never earned money a day in your life, that's okay! Now is the time to learn, and I'm here to help you do that. With over 100 bite-size chapters and exercises, this book discusses everything we could think of: - Budgeting - Investing with index funds, which beat 99% of everything else that's out there (if you're looking at 15+ year time frame) - Starting a business week - Relationships and money: how to make an "A" in both - Negotiating with honesty and in a Win/Win way - Why almost all debt is bad - 20 ways you can be like the 37% of college students and graduate without debt - The best decision-making model - The F.I. (Financial Independence) and F.I.R.E. (Financial Independence Retire Early) movements - Get hired - Get promoted - Get a career - Get a personal mission - Cars - Insurance - And much much more!