Autism Spectrum Disorder is one of the most controversial behavioral disorders in America, and I have it. Diagnosed at a young age with Asperger's Syndrome, a now defunct diagnosis, I have been marked as different, weird, a freak. In this thesis I will reflect on the autistic existence and the precarity of the autistic voice, while using personal anecdotes about my life on the spectrum along with Sandra McPherson's The Spaces Between Birds, which is centered around raising her daughter, Phoebe, who is on the autism spectrum, two first-hand accounts: Donna Williams' memoir Nobody Nowhere, and Anand Prahlad's The Secret Life of a Black Aspie: A Memoir. Through the methodology of the fragment, I weave research, analysis of these texts, and personal stories about being autistic, to demonstrate the shattered existence of living on the autism spectrum. These narratives are contextualized by my own research into the history of the diagnosis and autistic rhetoric. Through the fragment, as well as autotheory, I represent what it's like living on the autism spectrum.
Benn Kramer, the celebrated Eagle Man of Hornby Island, was an autistic man who, thanks to the love and attention from family and friends, overcame the restrictions of his condition and lived a life of adventure and personal accomplishment.
"This book aims to be ambitious in its approach.
From Dan Aykroyd to Bobby Fischer, Temple Grandin to Greta Thunberg, Autistic Legends Alphabet presents a wide-ranging A to Z of inspiring people on the Autism spectrum.
Contributors to this volume bring decades of classroom experience to bear on questions such as: How do we design assignments that encourage students with ASD to play to their strengths as they work to improve their writing?; how can ...
But since we can't teleport, and some of us have trouble meeting new people, this book is the next best thing. So as you go back to school, check out a copy of Navigating College for yourself or your loved one.
This practical guide follows Alison, a girl with Asperger Syndrome, through childhood and womanhood to explain the key issues that females with Autism Spectrum Disorder face and how they can be supported.
Featuring case studies of the working lives of people across the autism spectrum, this book provides constructive solutions for employers seeking to improve their workplaces and for individuals with autism considering their employment ...
Emmet Washington doesn't let anyone define him because of his autism, so when a lobbyist threatens the independent living facility he and his boyfriend call home, he doesn't hesitate to fight.
[Large print and fully illustrated] Iceland's history is told in the stories of its celebrated figures.
Grounded in an extensive array of research sources, this book introduces readers to conditions and aspirations of adults on the autism spectrum that demand a new approach to how we provide, locate, design and develop homes in which they ...