Alfred Hutton was a Victorian officer of the King's Dragoon Guards, writer, antiquarian, and swordsman of the highest caliber. He is today the most well-known figure in the first English revival of historical fencing, a movement which led directly to the internet-era revival of Historical European Martial Arts, also called HEMA in shorthand. Hutton's manuals are still some of the best available on the subject of HEMA swordsmanship, in particular his works "Cold Steel" and "Old Sword Play". Lesser known are his works on bayonet-fighting, a science which he was apparently equally skilled in as sword-fighting, producing several works of great value to the aspiring bayonet-fighter. We present for the first time in one volume: "Fixed Bayonets: A Complete System of Fence for the British Magazine Rifle," (1890) together with "Bayonet-Fencing and Sword Practice" (1882). The first manual in this volume is a book which can be reasonably judged by its' cover, as it's full title is "FIXED BAYONETS: A COMPLETE SYSTEM OF FENCE FOR THE BRITISH MAGAZINE RIFLE, EXPLAINING THE USE OF POINT, EDGES, AND BUTT, BOTH IN OFFENCE AND DEFENCE;COMPRISING ALSO A GLOSSARY OF ENGLISH, FRENCH, AND ITALIAN TERMS COMMON TO THE ART OF FENCING, WITH A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL LIST OF WORKS AFFECTING THE BAYONET." This title provides a better review of the book's contents than most editors could today in as few words. The second manual contained in this volume, "Bayonet-Fencing and Sword Practice", is a manual designed for teaching the military the use of the bayonet against trained swordsmen such as himself.