Child of the Universe: An Awakening Journey Into Quantum Healing Hypnosis (QHHT)

Child of the Universe: An Awakening Journey Into Quantum Healing Hypnosis (QHHT)
Child of the Universe
Independently Published
Jlf Sullivan


They say we are doomed to repeat history if we do not learn our lessons from the past... Child of the Universe tells the apocalyptic tale of the Queen of an ancient civilization lost forever under a great cataclysmic wave. Her subsequent abduction and imprisonment in Atlantis ultimately leads to the destruction of the mysteriously advanced island. Derived from a QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) past life regression experience, Child of the Universe unfolds an alternative history of our beginnings on this planet and departs as a warning of the apocalyptic parallels surrounding us as we embark into an apprehensive future: "Perhaps it was best that this story remained locked away within me since the great cataclysms. But now my story can no longer stay buried, it must rest once and for all. It is my hope that by sharing this with you, my story will free us from this cycle of destruction we have become entangled in...Maybe you too have dreamt of the great wave of Amun, it's towering greatness only to become your watery tomb. Or perhaps the mysteries surrounding the destruction of Atlantis have pulled your attention time and time again. It is my greatest wish that we may come to remember and understand our lost history so we may break free from the amnesia surrounding our humble beginnings. There is something you cannot deny, something that you have felt for all your days that tells you that you are connected to something greater. The lives we live now and those of the long forgotten past will begin to show their true relationship as we together journey back to the lands of Amun and Atlantis."

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