If you want to support your child in learning to write letters and numbers in cursive, this tracing practice Workbook offers a rigorous and effective complement to current supports. Cursive Handwriting Workbook for kids allows the child to access the mastery of writing letters and numbers according to a rigorous progression. No letter will be written by the child before he has already studied it systematically This book is designed to help the child learn to write the letters and numbers in cursive, by tracing and connecting the dots while respecting the writing direction shown by the directional arrows for each letter or number. Before that, a training in the graphics of different lines is offered to the child. How is Cursive tracing practice book organized ? This letters and numbers tracing workbook is divided into the following parts: Part 01: Starting by tracing basic lines and curves which is essential to the development of learning to write letters. Part 02: Trace and practice cursive alphabets Aa - Zz. Write words: Name of the proposed illustrated animals starting with each letter studied. The child will end up writing a word of his choice starting with the letter studied. Part 03: Trace and learn writing numbers and number words, 1 page for each number 0-9. specifications: Size: 8.5" x 11" (21.59 x 27.94 cm). 120 black and white pages Printed on high quality. Premium glossy cover design. Note: WE will not forget to present, read and explain to the child the models proposed: it is important that he understands what he is going to write, because writing is above all transmitting a message.