The Pitch Deck Book: How To Present Your Business And Secure Investors

The Pitch Deck Book: How To Present Your Business And Secure Investors
Tim Cooley


The Pitch Deck Book is a step by step guide to raising seed capital from Venture Capital and Angel investors. This guide was built by Tim Cooley who has spent more than 10 years screening deals and raising more than $200M in seed and early-stage capital for over 100+ companies. "The Pitch Deck Book is-hands-down-the clearest, simplest, and most concise guide ever written to creating and delivering an effective startup fundraising pitch. Three hours spent reading and applying the lessons in Tim Cooley's book will save you thirty hours of well-meaning-but-ineffective feedback from random advisors. Tim comes from the perspectives of both a founder and an investor, and as the Executive Director of a highly regarded angel group, he is EXACTLY the audience your pitch is aimed at. Founders around the world (not to mention investors who have to sit through awful pitches!) owe him an enormous debt of gratitude."-David S. Rose, "The Pitch Coach", author of "The Startup Checklist" and "Angel Investing", founder of New York Angels.Inside The Pitch Deck Book, you will find a guide to creating all the key elements you will need to engage investors. You will learn everything you need to do before you ever set up a meeting. You will learn the best format to present your business so that investors will get excited about your business. Finally, you will be shown a number of actual pitch decks with some of the most common issues that most founders come across when they pitch. Not only do you see the actual decks used, but also the feedback on how to fix them.If you do not want to be the 99% of companies who never get funded and are looking for the most comprehensive way to present your business to investors, this is the book for you.For more information and to get a FREE one-pager builder go to my website: TIMLCOOLEY.CO