Are you tired of spending far too many hours looking at your social media screen and putting off other, more meaningful, tasks in your life? Maybe you have noticed recently that you are spending more and more time either scrolling through your phone, watching videos on your iPad, or vegging out in front of the television set. It can be quite disheartening when you think about all the things you could be doing with your spare time that would be more productive, yet you can't seem to pull yourself away from your digital screen. It doesn't have to be this way. Digital Minimalism will provide you with all the tips and tools that you need to break this bad habit, become more productive in your everyday life, and overcome your digital addiction. Let's clear one thing up, though. I am not asking you to completely cut digital media from your life. That just isn't feasible, and digital media certainly can play an important role in our everyday lives. But it shouldn't consume us. There is a big difference between utilizing digital technology and being completely dependent on it. It has been scientifically proven that we easily become addicted to technological gadgets, and the negative impacts of that dependency, such as stress and anxiety. I used to be completely consumed with living a largely digital life without realizing the impact it was having on my life. Once I realized that I was addicted, it took all my energy to shift my mentality from being so digital-dependent. In this book, I provide you with a clear and practical guide to removing the overuse of digital technologies, such as TV, smartphones, and the internet. Inside Digital Minimalism, discover: The common signs of digital addiction How we become addicted to technology Major side effects of digital addiction Practical steps to overcome digital addiction The Joys of the offline world And so much more! This book is the first stage into taking back your life and tackling your addiction with digital technologies head-on. Don't wait another day! Grab a copy of this book and become a happier, healthier, and more productive version of yourself today!(c) 2020 All Rights Reserved !Tags: Digital Minimalism, Bad Habits, Technology Addiction, Free Life, Transforming Your Life, Guide for Effective People, Minimalist Living