Guide to Frost Dates: These Refer to the Average Dates on which the First Frost Or Last Freeze Occurs Either...

Guide to Frost Dates: These Refer to the Average Dates on which the First Frost Or Last Freeze Occurs Either...
Dr Sandra Carter


Before you begin planting your garden, you need to know what the frost dates are in your region. The term "frost dates" is shorthand for when the last frost will occur in the spring and when the first frost will happen in the fall or winter. A frost can damage newly planted growth and even some established plants, so you want to be sure you are past the date (for spring) or prior to it (for fall) before planting or harvesting.There are a few different sources you can turn to in order to find out your frost dates. In addition to our map and suggested websites, the local gardening center may be your most reliable source. But first, understand exactly what the frost dates mean.Frost dates are typically defined by the day in which there is a 50 percent chance of being frost-free, which means there is also a 50 percent chance there could be frost. So if you want to ensure the safety of your plants, you may want to adjust these dates, perhaps by a full two weeks-two weeks forward for spring, and two weeks backward for fall/winter. Choose this date for when to begin planting and/or harvesting, as well as for protecting your winter plantings from the cold weather.