The Demons And The Darkness

The Demons And The Darkness
P. M. Shaw


The world exists in two opposing states: light and dark - the light, the nescience of humanity; the dark, the malevolence of the demons.Imagine living an existence where your every thought is tainted by an inescapable darkness - a darkness of which you yourself are the maker.Sam is in this very predicament. His life, as long as it has lasted, has been filled with death and destruction. Any normal person would have escaped the torture a long time ago. Not Sam. Whether in hope of lighter days appearing, or just downright bloody mindedness, Sam still walks the earth.Sam is a light born eidolon - an entity with the potential to control all known forms of matter.In the dark earth that Sam roams, the demon eidolon exert their whims on the largely defenceless humans - largely defenceless because there are eidolon who seek to defend them against the darkness: The Council of Lights, the self-styled resistance against the demons.Though Sam has little time for the Council, his journey will put him in debt to those he had long since dismissed as a "magical aristocracy".Those same light eidolon he encounters will change his perception on everything he thinks he knows.Without light there exists only darkness.