The Tongue and Quill Air Force Handbook 33-337 July 2016

The Tongue and Quill Air Force Handbook 33-337 July 2016
United States Government Us Air Force


United States Air Force Handbook 33-33, The Tongue and Quill has been a valued Air Force resource for decades. This revision is built upon the foundation of governing directives and user's inputs from the unit level all the way up to Headquarters Air Force. The men and women of the United States Air Force must communicate clearly and effectively to carry out our missions. Although we live in an era of rapid personal and mass communication that was barely imagined just a few years ago, our Air Force still requires face-to-face briefings, background papers, and staff packages to keep the mission moving forward. This handbook, together with Air Force Manual (AFMAN) 33-326, Preparing Official Communications, provides the information to ensure clear communications-written or spoken. This edition has been substantially revised to 1) standardize the format and layout for readability; 2) improve the organization of chapters and content within each chapter; 3) provide additional material on preparing to write and speak, writing with focus, communicating to persuade, research, meetings, briefings and listening; 4) clarify guidance for Air Force written products with formatted examples for each product; and 5) update guidance for electronic communications.