The events I describe in this book actually happened but I don't expect anyone to believe them. I was as surprised as anyone that I could have conversations with my son Casey after he died. The science and physics that he describes he is doing experiments on are things that I did not know and could not have invented. The breakthroughs he has been making in physics after his death, he would feed back to the Earth realm. And I found that often he would describe what he was doing and then several weeks or months later this breakthrough would be reported in the world's press. So, I know that Casey is still having a profound and important impact on us here on Earth. Some people may think that the death of a loved one is an end to further communication with them. But, in fact, it is a continuation of the same communication you have always had. It's just that the loved one communicates with you by thoughts in your head rather than words spoken out loud. Although sometimes you will hear them just the same as you always have.