In this quirky collection, you'll find 18 short stories and 68 drawings, which are independent of the stories, although a few drawings echo something in the stories, a fine example being an elephant.Examples of the stories include a man finding joy in a pancake house, a girl interrogated because she picked up the king's rolling crown, elderly Claude Monet visiting his long-time friend Renoir, a science fiction writer donning a cap of electrodes hooked up to a computer so his dreams could be transcribed, and a group of private detectives hired to research the possibility of reincarnation.The drawings lean toward the cartoonish and simply illustrated, which could be criticized if you're of the mindset that drawings need to be highly detailed for them to even begin to be considered of decent quality. Actually, one "drawing" is a kind of flowchart and another is a kind of list, so their categorization as drawings is debatable. Yet the nonexistent marketing team for this book argued that saying it contains 66 drawings, 1 flowchart, and 1 list is too clunky to include in the book's description.