The Garden Party, and Other Stories (Annotated)

The Garden Party, and Other Stories (Annotated)
Katherine Mansfield


Differentiated book- It has a historical context with research of the time-The Sheridans are a wealthy family who live happily in their mansion and keep their children away from the working-class neighborhood located too close to home, just down the hill on which their fabulous home reigns. The morning when Laura, the oldest daughter of the Sheridan couple, is preparing their first garden party, she thinks she is lucky because the day has dawned splendid and the band will be able to play without problems outside the canopy. The busy cook, her half-dressed and unbrushed sisters, her mother ordering lilacs by surprise, the voices of the workers installing the awning in the garden... Everything seems perfect. Until one of the maids informs the Sheridans that one of the workers has died nearby in an unfortunate accident.Laura believes that they should suspend the party, out of respect for the widow and the five children that the deceased has left and who live just a short walk from the Sheridan mansion. But her little sisters laugh at its occurrence and her mother does not understand what such nonsense comes from.Katherine Mansfield (Wellington, New Zealand, October 14, 1888 - Fontainebleau, France, January 9, 1923).