Becoming a Shaman: It's Never Too Late To Be Who You Might Have Been

Becoming a Shaman: It's Never Too Late To Be Who You Might Have Been
Kathleen Ann Milner


Do you want to become a Shaman? Do you want to experience firsthand the healing power of Shamanism? Shamanic reality is called the Otherworlds. The golden ticket to the Otherworlds is learning how to get there. The key to a successful journeywork is understanding the principles governing the Otherworlds and working with enlightened spiritual beings. The ability to demonstrate changes on the physical plane, and the confirmation of information retrieved defines and separates a true Shaman. Many Shamanic books talk about generic topics, simple Shamanic traditions or the history of Shamanism. Most do not dwell on more practical practices. This book helps the reader to enter the world of Shamanism through a series of Shamanic practices and other healing methods. This book opens the door to new worlds of the spirit, and that's the reason why it is the perfect tool for those who want to start practicing Shamanism. Here is an example of what you can find inside the book: Shamanism for beginners Shaman's tools and practices What is Shamanism? What is not? The fundamental invocations The opening ceremony How to journey in the 7 directions Animals of Power Spirits of Nature How to travel in the Upperworld - the Realm of Angels and Spirits of the Departed Death of a Shaman - die to old fears. How to travel in The Middleworld Healing Power of Colors, Nature & Ascended Masters How to retrieve your Power Animal How retrieve lost souls How to Retrieve Information from the Otherworlds How to Facilitate Healings from the Otherworld How to release problems and issues How to release blocks and improve your creativity Brazilian Tribal Shamanic healing symbols What is the ENOCHIAN MAGIC INITIATION? What is the Yod initiation? What is the Violet flame initiation? What is the initiation into the Order of Melchizedek? This book it is for those who are ready to open creative and intuitive channels, and discover the spiritual nature within. Thoughtfully organized, clearly explained tasks help the reader accomplish these goals and do various types of successful Shamanic journeywork. Examples, as well as students' journeys, are included. A fabulous book for those on the journey of self-exploration. Easy-to-follow exercises and aexamples are included. It was interesting to see people work through the progression of Shamnic journeys.If you cannot take a workshop in person from Kathleen's class, this is a great reminder of what you accomplished, and to use the exercises for additional work. This book is literally Kathleen's workshop step-by-step as she teaches it. Kathleen Ann Milner is an innate healer and psychic. She believes that all healing comes from God, and that angels and higher beings work with the energy she is channeling to bring about healing miracles. Download now and learn all about this and more. Scroll the top of the page and select the Buy Now button f

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