The saintly Thomas à Kempis's classic guide to the spiritual and religious life. A book which has been loved and revered by devout Christians throughout the ages. Transcending all sectarian divisions, it emphasises the importance of the inward journey.
Drawing from nearly a thousand Bible texts, The Imitation of Christ explains both why and how we should be like Jesus. If you want to think— and live—like Jesus, this book will help.
Each chapter is preceded by a brief introduction and followed by a set of thoughtful reflection questions that help readers understand and apply the text.
Thomas spent some seventy years of his life in the reclusive environment of monasteries, yet in this astonishing work he demonstrates an encompassing understanding of human nature, while his writing speaks to readers of every age and every ...
The timeless classic, The Imitation of Christ, is updated into modern English and arranged topically for daily devotions.
'God is our home but many of us have strayed from our native land. The venerable authors of these Spiritual Classics are expert guides--may we follow their directions home.'--Archbishop Desmond...
It was first published anonymously, in Latin, ca. 1418; several other authors have been proposed, but Kempis' authorship is now generally accepted.Imitation of Christ is a writing of the mysticist German-Dutch school of the fourteenth and ...
Its popularity was immediate, and it was printed 745 times before 1650. Apart from the Bible, no book has been translated into more languages than the Imitation of Christ.
The claim of Thomas à Kempis has been completely vindicated.This edition of the spiritual masterpiece contains both English and Latin translations.
The Imitation of Christ from Catholic Book Publishing is a beautiful new edition of the original, deeply spiritual book by Thomas Kempis.
Even today, the soul-searching words of the fifteenth-century cleric Thomas À Kempis continue to resonate, unbounded by time or geography.