I am a Rockstar is your guide to success. It helps you accurately define success, develop a winning attitude to succeed and gives you essential tools in your toolbox such as communication skills, leadership skills, deal-making skills, branding skills & presentation skills. You will also learn some critical life skills such as appreciation, discovering unknowns, turning weaknesses into strengths, fighting stress, learning from FALL-ures (a term you will learn), cherishing tough times, working smarter and be prepared to win the life war, not necessarily individual battles. Success is a very complicated and highly personal topic without a precise science. 'I am a Rockstar' is the authors attempt to help you master the 'art' of success as well as it's 'science'. Success is a 3 step process. 1) Locate success The first step in the process is to define and locate success that is most beneficial to you, both short term and long term. The correct definition mainly requires a mature view, the right mindset, and the analysis of relevant data. It's a combination of art and science. 2) Fuel your ride You need a vehicle that you can drive to your destination. Your talent is your vehicle, and your skill is the ability to drive. However, your vehicle needs a few other things, such as fuel. Those come in the form of your attitude. You need the right attitude that suits your situation in the right amount. It is an art, for the most part. 3) Drive to success There may be multiple paths to reach your destination, i.e., success. You need to find the best path that leads you to success faster. You need guidance through your drive to overcome hurdles. Several success-related works of literature focus on 'fueling the ride, ' i.e., development of a positive attitude, but they lack further guidance. 'I am a Rockstar' helps you make the right decisions, helps you develop the right attitude to reach your decisions, and, most importantly, gives you the tools you need to pass every step of the way, like a good GPS. This book is the authors attempt to bring you success through a different perspective on life - a more straightforward, efficient, and productive perspective. Instead of listing boring textbook analogies, the author shares stories and experiences.'I am a Rockstar' shows you two fundamental principles that will make you a Rockstar, not a musical kind but one who consistently produces results. The first principle merely states that the first step to success is to believe in yourself. Only once you believe, are you then able to take control of your life and drive it to where you want to end up. Now repeat your mantra after me; 'I am a Rockstar! Secondly, 'Life is colorful when seen in black and white. It means, look at your life in a straightforward way. Don't try and overcomplicate decisions with all shades of greys. Instead, find the black side, find the white side, and decide on one. Once you've decided, follow through with it and stick it out. Do not play hopscotch between the two areas, as it will just lead to confusion and annoyance.