The Neighbor's Wife

The Neighbor's Wife
Jeanne Meeks


"A gripping and heart-warming story of abuse, revenge, and family redemption." An elderly WWII veteran finds a reason to live when an abused young woman rents the house next door. Henry Peale fell in love with Maggie sixty years ago and loved her until the day she died. On a bright summer day, he sees her gardening in the yard next door-her golden hair, her long braid, her straw hat. Excited to join his wife, he calls out to her but is disappointed when the vision turns out to be the new next door neighbor. From afar, Anna Croft brightens Henry's days. He gardens when she gardens and is rejuvenated and content to be alive. Long after Henry puts his garden to bed for the winter. Anna shows up at his door barefoot on a snowy night. Her nightgown is torn, her face is battered, and she holds a bloody knife in her hand.Henry decides to take the blame for the stabbing. Though he knows he was a coward all his life, he makes it his mission to protect the young woman. With the support of Maggie and despite his children's objections, failing health, and violent nightmares, Henry becomes the hero he was meant to be

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