Car Maintenance Log Book: Vehicle and Automobile Service and Oil Change Logbook | Track Repair, Modification, Mileage Expenses and Mechanical...

Car Maintenance Log Book
Abatron Logbooks


Car Maintenance Log Book Every bit of mechanical work done to a vehicle must be logged. It will save you money. It will save you time. It will help your mechanic. It will increase the resale price of your car. Whether you purchase a brand new car, or a 2nd hand one, this information is crucial. This logbook provides a comprehensive logging system for your vehicle, and contains everything required for an accurate log of information. It will fit right in your glove compartment, and combines commonly separated logs (Maintenance, oil changes, modifications, insurance information etc) into one handy book. What does this book contain: Quick and Clear contents page and numbered pages Quick Contact List Car information (Make, Model etc) Purchase information (Purchase date, price, from whom, warranty information etc) Insurance information (Policy number, dates, type) Important information about regularly changed parts (Oil, tires, air filter etc) Oil Change Log Tire Change log Air and Fuel filter change log Fan belt and spark plug change log Comprehensive repair and modification log (Over 500 repairs!) Lined notes pages for any other personal needs Repair and Maintenance Logs contain: Date / Time Mileage Description / Information Done by who Notes / Warranty All log pages have inputs for dates and mileage, as well as other important information about the particular change being logged. Book Features 6 x 9 inch - Fits nicely in glove compartment 100 Pages Printed on white paper Flexible soft cover Perfect bound

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