The first all-encompassing book on coronavirus pandemic that answers all the pertinent questions nagging our perturbed minds, through well-researched and facts-laden contents. How a virus one billionth of a metre size could trigger the 21st century's second pandemic? Why the 15th largest pandemic since the 14th century is massively disruptive on all-fronts? Is the worst contagion in over a century financially debilitating? Did the world efficiently handled the socio-economic catastrophe? Can the world handle a 'biblical proportions' famine? Can the world recoup from the US$9 trillion economic impact? Is a semblance of order possible soon? Can the lost ground be regained? Were healthcare services up to the mark? Will air travel ever be vibrant again? When will airports burst at their seams again? Is COVID-19 a top priority over the 24 vaccines under development? Did technology help when the world grounded? Will the world see a New Economic Order?