A groundbreaking plan to prevent and reverse Alzheimer's Disease that fundamentally changes how we understand cognitive decline.Everyone knows someone who has survived cancer, but until now no one knows anyone who has survived Alzheimer's Disease. Lооkіng tо prevent dementia? This book offers real hope to anyone looking to prevent and even reverse Alzheimer's Disease and cognitive decline. The ѕеvеn key ѕtrаtеgіеѕ in this book саn help kеер your brain hеаlthу аѕ уоu age аnd reduce уоur risk оf Alzheimer'sAlzheimer's disease isn't a genetic inevitability, and a diagnosis does not need to come with a death sentence. Ninety percent of grandparents, parents, husbands, and wives can be spared. Ninety percent of us can avoid ever getting Alzheimer's, and for the 10 percent with strong genetic risk for cognitive decline, the disease can be delayed by ten to fifteen years. This much-needed revolutionary book reveals how the brain is a living universe, directly influenced by nutrition, exercise, stress, sleep, and engagement. In other words: what you feed it, how you treat it, when you challenge it, and the ways in which you allow it to rest. These factors are the pillars of the groundbreaking program you'll find in these pages, which features a personalized assessment for evaluating risk, a five-part program for prevention and symptom-reversal, and day-by-day guides for optimizing cognitive function. You can prevent Alzheimer's disease from affecting you, your family, friends, and loved ones. Even with a diagnosis, you can reverse cognitive decline and add vibrant years to your life. The future of your brain is finally within your control