So, How Do You Stay Profitable And Sustainable Even In Times Of Economic Chaos? Without Having To Shrink, Or Close Your Business, (AKA How Can You Ride The Economic Wave), To Boost The Chance Of Reaching Your Goals Faster Than You Imagined Possible, Without Taking Advantage Of Others, Without Taking On Too Much Debt, Without Getting Rid Of The Things You Love And Without A lot Of Stress Or RiskLet me know if this happened to you...As an entrepreneur or small business owner, there have been times in our lives where we've heard, and we believed the idea of, SUSTAINABILITY COSTS A TONNE OF MONEY, OR SUSTAINABILITY IS "NICE TO HAVE" BUT NOT ESSENTIAL Right...? And so we decide to start our businesses... We go to school and get our degrees... We create courses, write our books...Deliver value ALL day long and still have a BUNCH of BROKE tire kicking people who won't buy from you, AND are only looking for freebies Whatever YOUR THING is...Hoping that if we create the best product or service, that we will become profitable and have open doors for years to come.And then we get hit, we get hit with some sort of economic crash or financial trouble, Which unfortunately leads us back to square one, or even worse your business completely dies and is never to be seen again. Is that your story right now? Is that why you're here?Have you created something amazing, but you don't know to stand tall and strong in a world of competition? Or, does your story sound a little bit different? Maybe you have a great or average business and you getting enough money to get by but the FEAR, of the next market crash or scenario that drains your pocket just like so many others business owners, have suffered with is keeping you up at night.And you're wondering If you've built your company on a solid foundation..?. Have you ever thought... "If I Can't Get A Consistent Stream Of Income And Stay In Business Even When Things Get Tough. Do I Even Have A Real Business?"My name is Adventago and I'm the author of this NEW book, and I don't think there is anyone on this planet who is as obsessed with profits and sustainability like I am.Here Are A Few Of The Secrets You'll Discover For FREE!Secret #1: Identity exactly WHO your "Dream Customer is."Secret #2: The business pyramid and how this simple drawing that even a baby could make has generated businesses like Microsoft, Apple, Amazon and many other fortune 500 companies to stand the face of time.Secret #3: The art of persuasive wording and sales, that can attract and inspire any customer to be hot like fire to buy from you without having to be manipulative, or a creepy salesperson.Secret #4: How to handle people, and be an authority figure that others look up towards and are inspired by, even if you are a shy person. Secret #5: You can learn exactly, how I was able to find the right tax structure for my business, to keep Uncle SAMS greedy paws off my hard-earned money. So you can reinvest it back into your business to grow and serve others.Secret #6: THE BONUS BOOK that is $2500.00 in VALUE BUT you can take FULL advantage of this for a SIMPLE $1 through the SPECIAL OFFER ONLY inside THIS book.Secret #7: BEFORE you stress yourself out ANY MORE you will DISCOVER the easy to IMPLEMENT system to AUTOMATING and DELIGATING tasks so you can grow your business even BIGGER WITHOUT having to grow your stress and headache of managing EVERYTHING.Secret #7: I'M NOT GOING TO TELL YOU THIS ONE SINCE IT'S TAILORED JUST FOR YOUR NEEDS AND BUSINESS :)Claim Your book NOW and take a breath of relief that you made the perfect DECISION for the SECURITY of your ENTIRE BUSINESS. This Truly Is A Limited Offer, So Claim Your Copy Now Before They're All Gone...Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you enjoy the book! P.S IF NOT NOW THEN WHEN?, AND IF NOT YOU THEN WHO? STOP PROCRASTINATING!