In this book I take you on a journey as unusual as that of Chiron's orbit as it meanders far out into the distant realm of Uranus and then all the way back to Saturn.The book starts off with the Chiron mythology. You will discover how the theme of connecting two worlds lies everywhere about the place. We then turn our gaze to the lives of Abraham Lincoln and Charles Lindbergh: two lives created by the same soul. As we unravel how these lives are connected, we catch a first glimpse of how Chiron relays a trauma charge from Lincoln's life to that of Lindbergh and how that trauma charge is connected to a life immediately prior to Lincoln's: the life of a Himalayan yogi who died with an unfulfilled wish of bringing about racial equality.The Planetary Nodes are brought in to show how there is not only trauma and healing continuity between these three lives but also continuity in the nature of will (the south nodes of Mars and are traced from Lindbergh all the way back to the life of the yogi).In the final chapters of the book, I use the planetary nodes to show you how the lives of Anne Frank and Barbro Karlén - two consecutive lives created by the same soul - are connected and how Chiron transfers trauma from Anne's life to that of Barbro in an attempt to heal the pain, overcome the trauma and so evolve.The chapters in between these two bookends take you deep into the lives and charts of Richard Nixon, Nina Simone, Jim Jones and Josef Mengele. These chapters are rich in biographical detail and extremely well-referenced, so that you may relate astrological findings back to the actual life as lived by the person.As we go through these lives and corresponding charts, you will discover how there are four trauma indicators in any given chart and how Chiron brings past-life trauma into the current life - and with it the potential for healing.For each of the charts belonging to these four lives I give you the full orbital picture for Mercury right up to Neptune, so that via their respective south and north nodes you may grasp the evolutionary meaning of a planet's actual movement. In addition to being handed the Chiron key, allowing you to work therapeutically with your clients as past-life trauma is reenacted in their lives and you help them on their path of healing, this book shows you how to use the planetary nodes in individual chart analysis. It is my sincere hope and stated wish in writing and teaching this material that you may use it in your own healing process and in that of your clients.