Some things which have been forgotten, should now be remembered. After his success with his first demand, Phillip is now heading south to the Canyon District in hopes of completing his second. The Crown of Cenus was thrown into the canyon decades ago and despite extensive searching, has never been found. If legend is true, the crown was found by a cave troll who took the treasure and fled into the fog. In the deepest recesses of the canyon the fog is said to be the home to a great evil. It is said the only thing that escapes the fog are the stories and legends of the fools who enter it.Before he can even travel to the dark depths of the canyon, Phillip must first deal with the Bracken. The five demons relentlessly pursue Phillip, hoping to acquire the map of the devil's swamp. In order to protect not only himself, but his family and new companions, Phillip must do battle with the demons. Only with a complete victory will they be safe, and only then will Phillip be able to move forward.On his journey Phillip will encounter a witches haven, enlist new allies, and heal some old wounds. He will also make new enemies as his success has drawn the attention of many who would rather see him fail. If he is to continue on this quest, Phillip will need to face his worst fears deep in The Canyon