Google Classroom: How to Teach Using Google Classroom - The Ultimate Guide for Teachers Including All Tips and Tricks You...

Google Classroom: How to Teach Using Google Classroom - The Ultimate Guide for Teachers Including All Tips and Tricks You...
Google Classroom
Natalie Step


Are you a teacher who's been curious about using Google Classroom? Do you want to learn how this software allows teaching effectively from a distance and can provide much-needed support in the current environment? Teaching without using online tools and resources can make a teacher's life very hard. Such a large part of your classroom time is taken up by the process of organizing student work, making sure all are aware of the upcoming assignments and solutions. It is not rare for teachers entering the world of classroom technology to be overwhelmed by the additional devices, electronic documents, applications, and classroom management strategies needed for students to learn successfully. Several teachers have started using Google Classroom to assist with classroom management, a tool designed from the ground up with teacher feedback. It's easy to use, totally free, and you can do so much with it. Teachers can create classes online, invite students to attend the class, and create and hand out assignments. Inside the forum, learners can interact with the assignments, and teachers can track the progress of students. Google Classroom is perfect for parents too. Teachers can exchange students' success summaries with their parents, and the latter can get automatic email summaries of class updates and assignments. This simplicity, and its seamless integration with the popular Google tools, is what has made Google Classroom one of today's most commonly used EdTech tools. This book is a complete start-to-finish guide for teachers using Classroom for the first time. It is going to provide with the information you need to get started, from the basics moving into the different tasks that you can do and the various tasks that students can take advantage of. Here is a sneak peek of what you will learn: What distinguishes Google Classroom from the standard Google Drive experience How the interface developed by Google reflects the way teachers and students think and work The reasons why this software is considered an essential paperless aid to enrich students' learning experience while making your life as a teacher easier Easy ways to monitor and grade students' assignments How you can create class announcements and keep parents in the loop by sharing the upcoming events calendar with them Even if you think that most of these pieces of information can be found on the Internet, you'll find that it is totally untrue because this book is the result of a profound work of research done directly with teachers. Inspire and motivate other students and use this amazing platform to help you get the most you can. Get your copy of now and change the way of being a teacher!