Forgive, and you will be forgiven. Luke 6:37GabrielNo daughter of mine should be so easily misled by wicked boys.Trinity's naivety is shocking, but that will change. I will teach her the ways of the world, just like I taught Monica. Soon she will love me. Just like Monica. I will start a new life with Trinity, away from judgmental eyes.But first, she must repent.Deliver us from Evil is the third and final book in the Sinners of Saint Amos dark bully reverse harem romance series. Contains strong language, violence, and sexual situations some may find triggering.This is the last book in a series. Cannot be read as a standalone.No cheating. HEA guaranteed.
Hitchcockian in its intimate buildup of suspense and filled with the remarkable characters, breathtaking plot turns, and blockbuster finale that are David Baldacci's hallmarks, Deliver Us From Evil is one of the most gripping thrillers you ...
Sixteen-year NYPD veteran Ralph Sarchie investigates cases of demonic possession and assists in the exorcisms.
Cindy Jacobs reveals the deadly impact of Satan's dominion over the media and the resulting rise in violence and immorality that plague our society.
... Mary-Kay Magistad, Kishore Mahbubami, Kati Marton, Tom Maslund, Leonard Mayhew, Stanley Meisler, Judy Miller, ... David Rieff, Adam Roberts, Filippo di Robillant, Michael Robinson, Elizabeth Rubin, Sydney Rubin, John Sanday, ...
A major contribution to our understanding of slavery in the early republic, Deliver Us from Evil illuminates the white South's twisted and tortured efforts to justify slavery, focusing on the period from the drafting of the federal ...
Supernatural evil plagues the small Georgia town of Lucerne and an ostracized young newcomer to the backwoods town seems to be the only person who can stop the nightmarish reign of horror
A thoughtful, sensitive, and wide-ranging consideration of the challenging problem of 'evil' and how we might be delivered from it.
He also describes the biblical tools that bring about deliverance from demonic influence. Through this moving story, you will learn how to recognize the presence of evil spirits, pray for deliverance and protect against demonic invasion.
Because, as John Adams warned, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”4 That's an- other reason that conservatives are dedicated to opposing the ero- ...
This is the true, first-hand narrative of a twenty-seven-year-old Navy Doctor who found himself suddenly ordered to Indo-China, just after the tragic fall of Dien Bien Phu.