The Gift of Speaking in Tongues: How To Receive The Holy Spirit And Speak In Other Tongues

The Gift of Speaking in Tongues: How To Receive The Holy Spirit And Speak In Other Tongues
Claire Robin


What do you know about speaking in tongues? A lot has been said about speaking in tongues, one of the most misunderstood and rarely used gifts in all Christianity. A huge percentage of Christians don't understand WHY they should speak in tongues. The rest don't think they have it in them to speak in tongues. Some Christians don't even believe in the gift of speaking in tongues. They are still stuck with the question, "is speaking in tongues really for me?" The answer is a simple one; speaking in tongues is for every Christian filled with the Holy Spirit. Many Christians have received the gift of speaking in tongues, which has helped stimulate their faith, get their prayers answered, multiply God's love and power in their lives and helped them receive healing and victory in their endeavors. For others, receiving the Holy Spirit's gift isn't the most exciting thing for them in today's world, but it is one of the most important gifts you can receive as a Christian today. You may be okay with the occasional prayers you say in the morning, at night, and in between your daily schedules. But when you really need to activate and pray from your spirit (and not from your understanding), you realize that you can't. And what's a poor Christian like you to do? Here's what you shouldn't do... You shouldn't stop trying to receive the gift, that's why I have written this book to help you with one thing; receive the gift of speaking in tongues. This book explores various topics on how you can receive this gift, including How to Pray in Tongues at Will You will learn; -What the Bible says about speaking in tongues -Being Saved and Being Filled with The Holy Spirit -Quality Prayer Points to Bring Up to Start Speaking in Tongues -The Basic Requirement for Speaking in Tongues -The Significance of the Manifestation of the Holy Spirit -How to Obtain the Holy Spirit and the Power to Speak in Tongues -How to Get Ready for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit -Speaking in Tongues and Staying with The Grace -How to Pray in Tongues at Will If some -or even all- of the above are hindering you from claiming the gift the Holy Spirit is willing to give you today, then you should immerse yourself in the Heavenly nuggets you will find scattered in this book to help you unlock and have access to your gift.