Down and Out: S2A System Power Spread Gap Scheme RPOs

Down and Out: S2A System Power Spread Gap Scheme RPOs
Down and Out
Surface To Air System Publishing, Lisa Hargitt


The genesis of this book is to illustrate and demonstrate for the football community what is happening with the Surface To Air System and its members. We are in an era where the spread offense has become a dominant force in the game for football. That is not to say that all teams are spread, or that all teams should be spread, but the revolution has evolved the game and made the current structure of the game different than anything we have ever seen before. When I started coaching 21 years ago I thought I was innovative when we ran the I formation instead of the wing-t that so many of my colleagues preferred. Then I broke with tradition again by being the first school in my region to run the Air Raid style of Spread Offense. Then an interesting thing started to happen: everyone seemed to become a "spread guy" where there used to be none and that caused a thought to crease my mind. I decided that we needed to establish a base offense that we could hang our hat on, but could also incorporate parts of all the offenses I have been a part of over the years. That evolution spawned the use of RPOs, but it also spawned the creation of a dynamic and universally practical offense we have chosen to call the Surface To Air System.This book will not focus on two major run packages that we have utilized for a long time, the inside and outside zone schemes. While we are a big "zone team" I have published on these before and chose to focus in this book on more of our gap scheme components. This book is about teaching "Power Spread" RPOs because the merger of the spread offense with more conventional gap scheme runs has created an offense that has the benefits of both worlds. I feel that the spread offense has become a bit too finesse and the more traditional under center gets too boring and passive; combining the two has produced better results. I will discuss in the next few chapters why I feel that the Air Raid Spread Offense wasn't enough, why the Power Style football wasn't enough, and why we needed to blend the two together into a version of the Power Spread Offense that we have tabbed, taught, and continue to develop called the Surface To Air System.

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