Hunting With Beanpole is a collection of humorous fictional stories. You may have a friend like Beanpole, the sort who manages to find the cloud in every silver lining. He touches tent walls to see if it really does make them leak. He pushes buttons to see what they do. And there is no place he won't strike a match. Curiosity never found a better vessel.His adventures in the field will take you hunting everything from varmints to quail, deer, and turkeys, all the while stumbling into trouble that may involve pranks, mishaps, and ghosts.Just in case you have a friend like Beanpole, you might want to consider increasing your life insurance, getting a satellite phone for easier rescue, and taking along a survival kit even if it's just a day trip.Forewarned is forearmed as they say; but some days even four arms are not enough.