Cannabis Cuisine Recipes For Beginners And Dummies

Cannabis Cuisine Recipes For Beginners And Dummies
Barbara Dawson


There are several ways to cook with cannabis, though the most popular way, by and large, is by making cannabutter.If cannabutter is what you're after, you'll want to firstly decarboxylate your weed. This simply means heating your plant matter so that it becomes psychoactive.To decarboxylate your weed, try to find a strain which you particularly like and buy anything from a quart to an ounce of it - depending on how potent you want your edibles to be.From there, you need to preheat your oven to 245°F or 118°C. While your oven is heating, break up your marijuana into small pieces and spread them out flat on a lined baking tray. Once the oven has reached its temperature, set a timer for 30 minutes and place the tray in the oven.To ensure the entirety of the plant is heated, give the pan a gentle shake every ten minutes until it's sufficiently golden brown and crumbles in your hand. If it's not quite ready yet, give it another ten minutes.Once you've decarboxylated the weed, you then want to boil a liter of water and place 2-4 sticks of butter in, again depending on how much weed you've used. The more weed you put in, the more butter you'll need.Once the butter has melted, bring the water to a simmer and place your decarboxylated plant into the mix. The longer you let the butter simmer, the more infused the cannabis will become into the mix. So we'd recommend giving it a few hours on low heat.Edibles can be a double-edged sword. Some love them because of the longer-lasting high they provide, while others can't wait for the experience to end. In fact, marijuana edibles have led to a spike in hospitalizations due to people eating too many and freaking out.Though no matter which side of the aisle you're on, there are limitations to having edibles. Whether you're driving, at a university lecture or at work, there are many scenarios where edibles just simply aren't suitable.So, when you can't have THC-laden brownies, why not opt for a CBD edible?CBD stands for cannabidiol and is one of the active compounds within the cannabis plant that's taking the world by storm.Studies are emerging linking CBD use to a wide array of benefits, such as helping with depression, nausea, eating disorders, arthritis, inflammation, and epilepsy.