Fake History: The Wildly Inaccurate, Ruthlessly Manipulative, Dangerously Deceptive, and REAL History of the World

Fake History: The Wildly Inaccurate, Ruthlessly Manipulative, Dangerously Deceptive, and REAL History of the World
Fake History
Bill Schutt, Michael Yu


Fake History is the textbook you wish you could have read while falling asleep in history class. It reveals the secret reality behind world history, including these incredible ''fake facts" Noah and the Flood was the original political controversy over manmade climate change. The famous general Hannibal rode war elephants during a historic battle with militant animal-rights activists. Julius Caesar was assassinated by Roman senators for demanding bipartisan cooperation. The Black Death was an Asian bioweapon of Genghis Khan. Barack Obama assassinated Osama bin Laden because of an internal feud between Shia and Sunni Muslims. And to help stop illegal immigration, Donald Trump actually planned to replace the torch of the Statue of Liberty with a searchlight. From Jesus Christ to Donald Trump, from Genesis to World War III, from ancient legends to alternative facts, Fake History takes a comic romp through the tangled narratives of history to reveal the scandalous truth of the world's past and the incredible destiny to which it is heading. The provocative novel of "fictional nonfiction" takes the form of a mock textbook and rewrites human history as fake news. It satirizes the extremist spirit of the Information Age in all its social misinformation, political disinformation, and hysterical hyperreality.

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