Faith is the first book in the exciting new series, The Katana Chronicles. Set in a sleepy New England town, Faith follows the adventures of Gerald and Rachael as they navigate the challenges of life in an oppressive world. It's 2030, and as the economy and society started to break down, Governments did everything they could to tape things back together. In a world where crime is rampant and law enforcement is corrupt and overwhelmed, everyone has to find a way to keep themselves safe. For most, that means hiding at home, being selective about their daytime-only trips to work, visit others, or go to the grocery store. But problems don't only come at night, and those out at night aren't only criminals.For Gerald, Rachael, and those they love, this is the world they live in. Life was difficult before all of the changes that took place, but now it's even harder. The promises of help came, but it's barely enough to survive. For some, survival is the only priority while others demand more. Those who spend their efforts carving out something to call their own in this landscape either do so through corruption or in defiance of it. Guns, currency, taxes, rationing, crime, media, and communication have all changed from the ways they were. Draconian laws, increased responsibility on citizens, and centralization of authority have complicated the lives of everyone in the country. Not everyone wishes things would go back to the way they were, though. Some have found opportunities in the new normal and they've worked hard to take advantage. Most of those do so at the expense of others, and the fewer their scruples, the more successful they can become. Not everyone is willing to let it happen, though. There are those who fight back, figuratively, and literally, refusing to let the world roll over them and those they care about. Gerald and Rachael are two of that kind, and this is a story of how they fight back.
This book is divided into three sections: the nature of faith, which defines and characterizes it; the look of faith, which gives examples of faith seen in the lives of people, from Abraham to Peter; and the walk of faith, which outlines ...
Further engage your family and church with the Sticky Faith Guide for Your Family, Sticky Faith curriculum, and Sticky Faith youth worker edition. Sticky Faith is also available in Spanish, Cómo criar jóvenes de fe sólida.
Many are left with a faded perspective on what lies ahead. In the pages of this booklet, author Bill Crowder shines the light to reveal a hope that can only be found in Christ.
He examines faith’s many meanings, he describes how to accept it, live it, how to doubt and find faith again. This is a serious and moving reflection from one of America’s most admired and respected citizens.
First Peter 3:15 reminds believers to always be prepared to "make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you." Norman Geisler and Chad Meister realize the fear of facing questions about the Christian faith.
Farley , Reynolds , and William H. Frey . 1994. " Changes in the Segregation of Whites from Blacks During the 1980s : Small Steps Toward a More Integrated Society " in American Sociological Review 59 : 23-45 .
How to Make Your Faith Work!
He suggests another way of looking at this death and resurrection that we learn about in the Hero's Journey. He calls it “the second naiveté.” Now how Ricoeur uses this and how I'm using it are not onetoone, but here's the central idea.
In The Faith Response, John Van Gelderen addresses this confusion by outlining a proper, biblical understanding of the nature of faith, which is true God-dependence—realizing “I can’t, but God can”—and he doesn’t stop there.
In this beautifully written work, one of America's most beloved meditation teachers offers discerning wisdom on understanding faith as a healing quality.