Parenting Siblings Without Rivalry: Prevent and Solve (New Baby, School Age, Twin, ...) Sibling Rivalry. The Practical Guide to Raising...

Parenting Siblings Without Rivalry: Prevent and Solve (New Baby, School Age, Twin, ...) Sibling Rivalry. The Practical Guide to Raising...
Sandra D Coon


From squabbling siblings to bosom buddies. Every parent's dream is within your reach. Constant bickering, hurtful name-calling, intense fighting over toys and your attention... Surely, this wasn't what you had in mind when you first found out you were giving your child a new sibling. When you dreamed of having a family, you probably imagined happy laughter, peaceful playtime, and generous sharing between your kids. Instead, what you got were frequent fights, shouting matches, and maybe some kicking or hair-pulling. No one wants to see their kids not getting along. Not only is this stressful for your kids, it's stressful for you as a parent too. It can be an added burden to keep breaking up arguments when you could be doing more productive tasks instead. There's also the worry that the constant conflicts will have lasting effects on your children's relationship, even up to adulthood. From resentment over a newborn baby, to toddlers struggling with sharing, and to unhealthy competition between your school-age children, each stage of childhood comes with its own set of problems. And each requires their own actions and solutions. If your stern reprimands and firm rules don't seem to be working, it might be time to try a different approach-one that doesn't focus on ending quarrels, but on making your kids closer to each other. In Parenting Siblings Without Rivalry, you will discover: How to equip your kids with the right skills to manage conflicts on their own, so you won't have to How to prepare your children for a new arrival in the family, regardless of their age, so they won't feel overlooked The essential family activity you should regularly schedule to defuse any issues before they escalate Why you shouldn't treat your children equally, and how to treat them instead How to handle your child's feelings of jealousy when one child needs or gets more attention than the others The nighttime routine that will build a lasting bond between siblings, even if they usually can't stand each other The surefire way to end any altercation over a coveted toy, without having to bribe or scold your kids Crucial mistakes you could be making that could fuel anger and resentment between your children And much more. Any relationship will come with its own issues and conflicts. No matter how close people are, inevitably, disputes will arise. And when it's kids that are involved, even the tiniest disagreement can intensify into a full-blown war. But when your children are guided on how to respond, and encouraged to communicate, the outcome doesn't have to be ugly. Raising kids who get along isn't easy, but it's also not impossible. Whether you're a blended family, a family with adoptees, or a family with a newborn baby, increasing closeness and minimizing discord is certainly achievable. And even if you've got more kids than you can handle-or if you're facing the challenging task of raising troublesome twins-this comprehensive guide has got you covered. Your kids can grow up to be the best of friends, but even if they don't, they can remain friendly and supportive of one another even when they have their own families. If you want your children to fight for each other rather than with each other, then scroll up and click the "Add to Cart" button right now.