As insinuated by the metaphoric title, Treading means to stay afloat, usually in water too deep to stand in. A Sea of Bricks identification the story's location through the city known as Brick City. This is ultimately a tale of triumph, but mainly of the struggles people go through to keep their heads above water. It's an illustrative depiction of the harsh choices and realities offered to the inner city youth in the early 80's through the late 90's, many of which still exist today.The story centers around two young men, Ezra and Choke, growing up in Newark, New Jersey. The road to young adulthood can be blissful and blistering, and these two are seemingly fated to face many of life's trials together. Yet, as they weather the storm, they learn there's no better aide than wisdom and true friendship.Come with Ezra and Choke to see just what life has in store for them as they began Treading in a Sea of Bricks.