- This book is printed in a 16 pt. Large Font for easier reading. History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Period 1 is the History of Joseph Smith the Prophet: Years 1838 - 1839. Volume Three concludes, for the present, the history of the Church in Missouri. I think it proper, therefore, that here should be considered the causes of the Missouri persecutions, which resulted in the expulsion of the entire Church from that state.From all these considerations may they be established in peace, hope, confidence and charity; knowing that God is their friend; that His arm is strong to protect; or, if in the course of God's economy in the management of the affairs of the world it must needs be that for a time they suffer at the hands of oppressors, that He will avenge them of their enemies; and amply reward them for their sufferings in His cause.B. H. Roberts