As can be seen, this book does not address weapons and equipment, which is covered in detail in other sources.
Dégivrage requis!: La dimension historique de l'expérience de la Force aérienne du Canada dans l'Arctique
Sir Michael Rose , the ground commander for U.N. forces in Bosnia , to Gen. ... TM In other words , U.N. procedures required that NATO strikes against ground positions attain approval from Rose's Bosnian military command in Sarajevo ...
Longlisted 2018 Man Booker Prize: 'The best book - in any medium - I have read about our current moment ... A MASTERPIECE.' - Zadie Smith - A landmark graphic novel about a missing woman, a viral video and the horrors of fake news.
Less than a decade ago, China's air force was an antiquated service equipped almost exclusively with weapons based on 1950s-era Soviet designs and operated by personnel with questionable training according to outdated employment concepts.
perjuangan AURI 1945-1950 Irna Hanny Nastoeti Hadi Soewito, Nana Nurliana Suyono, Soedarini Suhartono ... Namun , di Stasiun Jatinegara , kedua opsir penerbang tersebut ditahan oleh serdadu - serdadu Belanda .
Seletar: Crowning Glory : the History of the RAF in Singapore
... BAC and Dassault in collaboration revised the idea of the Mirage IV airframe (updated Mirage III based on Fairey ... BAC expected any more MoD work it had better lay off the Spey-Mirage.1014 The RAF towed the government's line and ...
Wings of the Fleet: 50 Years of the Canadian Sea King
Libyan Air Wars: 1986-1989
What objectives did nomad allies pursue in these circumstances and with what, partly unexpected, results? The volume also investigates the transformations that took place in states that emerged from nomad conquests.