This book will show how not to be broke and to turn your life from rags to riches, plus great tips on working from home. This book will address five essential questions concerns working from home as a complete guide to you. The book begins with an introduction, as well as the historical perspectives on working from home. Who, what, where, when, why, and how are the questions of this book about working from home as a complete guide to providing you with all the knowledge that you need to decide between working from home or how to improve your current work from home. Who tends to want to work from home and the kind of person you need to work from home? What type of work-from-home jobs can you do and answering the question of can any job at home? Where are some of the best spaces in your home to ensure that you have the ideal working environment, including technological considerations and setup? When are some of the best times to work from home, and how you may need to accommodate your working schedule based on whether you work with clients within the same time zone or not? Why would you need to work from home, want to work from home, and information about many of the benefits and the challenges of working from home? Plus, how you can make working from home a great experience for yourself, as well as your family whom you live with is this is the case, plus the cost-effective benefits to working from home as well and also the potential implications to your taxes, your budget, and sole proprietor business efforts, business partnerships, as well as working as an employee for either the government, a non-profit organization, or a corporate business? There will also be an explanation of how to avoid some of the financial dangers of working from home, such as online scams.