When it comes to acting, meditating and making good decisions there is a unique factor in life that you can only give yourself. It's called "loneliness."For many people, the fact of being alone represents a great fear and a gigantic fear even of staying for short periods of time without the company of anyone.In this book we recapitulate and enter the deepest layers of the mind in a simple and practical way, totally changing the idea that loneliness is not good. In order to enjoy and even be better in any aspect of life we must know how to take advantage of but above all understand one of the most important principles in life "The power of being alone."You will learn to enjoy your moments in solitude but above all to value them and take advantage of each moment to enhance your life and your relationships with the world.After reading the book and assimilating the concepts and advice, you will be able to make better decisions in your life, to use your moments with yourself as the gasoline that will start the engine of your life and of course you will be closer to having a longer life.