The Children of the Poor by Jacob A. Riis Riis turns to the "problem of children" in apartment buildings: he has often tried to count the number of small bodies in each building, but he doubts anyone has succeeded. Last year, he says, workers found the body of a little boy crushed under a pile of wood, which no one had missed and no one ever claimed. Riis argues that boys growing up in apartments could profitably be trained from an early age to be mechanics, but union "despotism" has prevented this path, meaning boys are doomed to drudgery or else, if their families don't have time. to take care of them, to peddle or beg. So they end up in the street. Riis maintains that these young "savages" are still children at heart: they have a love of beauty that can be seen if one of them ever brings wildflowers into a building, lighting up the faces of the others. children and keeping the peace in a neighborhood better, says Riis, than a policeman would. Most of the time, however, no one has the time or energy to collect flowers from so far away: instead, children grow up in gloomy, gloomy homes with only the promise of hard labor that will keep them. waits. Riis cites the results of a survey by a man at a downtown public school: of 48 boys, 20 had never seen the Brooklyn Bridge, a five-minute walk away; only three had been to Central Park before. Last summer, Riis met a little boy at the police headquarters. No one knew where he came from, but he was delighted to have a bed for the night and bread with an egg for breakfast. In response to Riis's questions, he said he did not go to school or church; he never bought bread, only beer. Riis also saw little girls whose alcoholic father put them on the streets after their mother died. He pits the indifference of people toward the children's lack of knowledge of Christianity against the busy missionary activity of Christians in New York on behalf of children thousands of miles away. Riis describes the work of the Children's Aid Society, which is trying to address this situation by sheltering thousands of homeless and orphaned children. There is also the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, which has defended 138,891 children, as well as New York asylums and institutions housing 15,000 dependent children. Riis highlights the large population at stake. Riis argues that the key to the fight against poverty is to focus on children before they are corrupted by the influences of streets and buildings. For the moment, it is mainly a private charity that caters to them: the city only offers reformatories, work houses and prisons.
The Children of the Poor: Representations of Childhood Since the Seventeenth Century
This book examines why such normative discourses of childhood are in need of radical revision and explores how development research and practice can work to ‘unsettle’ the global child.
A Roadmap to Reducing Child Poverty reviews the research on linkages between child poverty and child well-being, and analyzes the poverty-reducing effects of major assistance programs directed at children and families.
The original 1985 edition of Children of the Poor Clares was the first book to expose the reality of the treatment of children placed in church care in Irelands post-independence horrendous industrial school system.
The book delves into the underlying reasons for this difference, examining the mix of earnings and government transfers, such as child allowances, sickness and maternity benefits, unemployment insurance, and other social assistance programs ...
Education for Children of the Poor: A Study of the Origins and Implementation of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act...
Curry asks one morning. “Does probation go on your record?” asks Dasani, who sits in the front row. “Absolutely,” says Curry. Often his students ask questions tinged with personal worry. Many have a parent or an older sibling in prison.
Reflections on the Ethics and Politics of Poor Children and their Families Nicolás Brando, Gottfried Schweiger ... policy.12 In the US, sociologists continue to debate the concept of a “culture of poverty” among Black Americans.
But statistics alone tell little of the story. In Invisible Americans, Jeff Madrick brings to light the often invisible reality and irreparable damage of child poverty in America.
The Children of the poor