New World Theatre has brought together forty-four playwrights from the Black community to share their unique perspectives through monologues, and the results are amazing. This collection is filled with strong distinct voices that express beauty, tragedy, humor, resilience, and words that challenge us to broaden our perspective.
Our story... my story... this story begins with a hemlock growing out of the very soul of America.
~ KNOCK by Rajendra Ramoon Maharaj
...I always find myself lost--Delayed at these invisible intersections
~ WHY I WAS LATE TODAY... by Liz Morgan
Rage can be terrifying but I want you to UNDERSTAND.
~ WALK A MILE IN MY RAGE by Gary Earl Ross
Being a black woman is one of God's most precious gifts.
~ TIRED by Shaneisha Dodson
Maybe I was actually born a tragedy and somehow grew into a boy...
Our ancestors are in the rain.
~ WHEN IT RAINS by J. J. Tingling
It is an honor to share these profound insights--these unique, courageous, passionate voices--with the world.
~ LeLand Gantt - Collection Curator
Nat TURNER'S CONFESSION Nat Turner Nat Turner was born a slave of Benjamin Turner of Southampton County , Virginia , on October 2 , 1800. He was probably taught to read by his parents . His strong religious upbringing and his father's ...
Johnson’s poetry is represented by the full text of God’s Trombones (1927), his stirring homage to African-American preaching, and shorter works including “O Black and Unknown Bards,” lyrics from Johnson’s Broadway songwriting ...
" Here are the complete texts of his early landmark collections, Notes of a Native Son (1955) and Nobody Knows My Name (1961), which established him as an essential intellectual voice of his time, fusing in unique fashion the personal, the ...
Presents nearly two hundred of the author's poems, including works celebrating African American music and life, denunciations of Jim Crow and racism, and verses about Africa and the Spanish Civil War.
The New Negro: An Interpretation
Confirmation, an Anthology of AfricanAmerican Women
The Intricate Knot: Black Figures in American Literature, 1776-1863
This volume focuses on fiction with a multi-cultural theme. Of the 1500 entries, about 40 per cent cover African American literature, 15 per cent Asian American literature, and 15 per...
Pauline E. Hopkins (1859-1930) came to prominence in the early years of the twentieth century as an outspoken writer, editor, and critic. Frequently recognized for her first novel, Contending Forces,...
African American Literature: Voices in a Tradition