Plant Ecology - Interior Cape Cod

Plant Ecology - Interior Cape Cod
Independently Published
Gary R Sanford


"Plant Ecology - Interior Cape Cod" presents a broad array of ecological information important to the presence, distribution, and abundance of plants in the wild. Ecological synopses of fifty plant species are included in this book, with the aim of discussing plant adaptations in context with their immediate environment. Careful observations of plants as they occur in nature can lead to a deep understanding and appreciation of their ecology. The inner Cape region is offered as an observation platform, which may enhance the reader's awareness of ecological principles. Information on the location of plant communities and various plant species found along nine mid-cape trail systems is included. Trails are located within the interior of Cape Cod, away from the immediate coastline. Included species have wide distributions and can be found both on and off Cape Cod. Those readers without access to mid-cape trails can still profit from ecological discussions included herein, particularly if local areas supporting these plants are found and examined. My intention in writing this book is to allow a wide spectrum of readers access to information and concepts related to plant ecology. An effort has been made to minimize specialized terminology and, when unavoidable, to define or describe such terms. Additionally, discussions are qualitative, and statistical analyses are avoided. Despite this approach, many advanced concepts are included, and the more advanced reader may also profit from material herein.