African Myths: Captivating Stories, Folk Tales, Gods, and Goddesses of African Mythology

African Myths: Captivating Stories, Folk Tales, Gods, and Goddesses of African Mythology
Independently Published
Matt Clayton


Do you like stories about gods and spirits, giants and monsters, damsels in distress and clever heroes? All of these can be found in African myth and folklore, which have a vast and varied tapestry of stories from hundreds of cultures, each with its own traditions and values. Sometimes the heroes of these stories are divine beings who come down from heaven to create the world we live in, but sometimes human beings and animals themselves are the ones who see to it that the sun, moon, and stars are put into their proper places. Sometimes the heroes are hapless men who get into more trouble than they can handle, while others find a way out of their predicament by getting help from unlikely sources. Sometimes the heroines find themselves in mortal peril because they are not paying attention and have to be rescued by someone else, while others are forced into their predicaments by external forces that require them to be saved or save themselves. However, whatever the danger and whomever the hero is, all of these stories have the ability to captivate our imaginations and keep us on the edge of our seats. Here are just a few of the amazing characters you will meet in this book: a princess who gets eaten by a monster and then goes on to marry a mysterious prince who is not all he seems to be a young woman who is sacrificed to end a drought but rescued by the young man who loves her dearly a blacksmith who is given an impossible task, and the madman who helps solve the problem the children who put the sun into the sky the fanged deer whose eyes turned into the stars the clever lad who saves his uncle from death and outsmarts every enemy he comes across the brave young woman who weaves a magic basket to save herself and her friends from a vicious highwayman and much, much, more! Scroll up and click the "add to cart" button to enjoy each of these fascinating stories from the world of African myths, legends, and fairy tales!

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