This is a RETRACTION of my personal statement made in my "Poets Profile" in "The International Who's Who in Poetry" of 2005. I had stated in error, due to lack of information, that..."The Hearts Center ...continues the teachings of the Ascended Master Saint Germain..." is not correct and consequently I am RETRACTING this statement. This is My Essential Retraction. The Hearts Center does NOT continue the "I AM" Teachings of the Ascended Master Saint Germain nor of any of the Ascended Masters that came through the Prophets, Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth C. Prophet, through the spiritual platform of the Summit Lighthouse. The Summit Lighthouse continues the Teachings of Saint Germain and of the Ascended Masters to the present since Mark L. Prophet co-founded The Summit Lighthouse with Ascended Master El Morya in 1958 in Washington, DC. El Morya sponsored Mark and soon after Elizabeth C. Prophet, to bring forth the Teachings of Jesus, Saint Germain and the Ascended Masters for the New Age of Aquarius to all who would receive them.