The Agony of a Fallen Christian

The Agony of a Fallen Christian
Independently Published
Obi I J Ifeanyichukwu


Every child of God (Christian) has been saddled with one form of trial or another to try/test him in many ways, and foe various reasons. many times God allows these trials and temptations to hit His (Christians) Children on purpose. There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. 1Cor. 10:13 this is to enlighten us that God is aware of the trial that has befallen us at a time, and it went on to say that God is faithful, that means He is watching, and that He will not suffer you, the word suffer you is not in the likeness of discipline or punishment, it means to allow. He says God will not allow the temptation that will overcome you to come to you. in other words, any temptation that comes to you is what you can handle, there is an ability within you that can enable you deal with it. Nevertheless, in any case when that trials comes to a point when you can longer bear it, he says God will make a way for you to escape from that trial. According to the amplified Bible version it says that it does not matter the source of the trial, it has been experienced by human being before. so it is neither unusual nor above human resistance, and while the temptation last, God makes a way of escape for you, so that the you will escape without yielding to the temptation and thereby sinning against God, then you will be able to overcome. people of worth, people of substances have been tried, tempted in various capacities and stages in the pursuit of their life's endeavour's. some fell, some did not . out of the some that fell, a portion could not rise again while others struggled to rise up again as soon as they could. for those that rose up, thanks be to God for your courage and humility. and for those that are still struggling. listen to me, there is a way escape available. God alongside the temptation, has made an escape rout for you, discover it and use it so that you do not die in that trial. Life will remain an eternal struggle if God had not provided a way to escape from trials and temptations. It is not a palatable thing to be tempted tried, it is more detrimental to fall from grace. we are in a generation where, to a very large extent, many Christians do not only pray for their personal interests, and their loved ones, that is, if they have interest in those loved ones at all. this is the generation where many careless about the dying, backslidden and unsaved souls. You see some preachers of the Gospel can be aligned to the Holy Ghost when it is time prophecy into the pockets, but when it is time pray for revival and restoration of the souls of men, you loose alignment all of a sudden. Church organizations and Christian groups had administered disciplinary measures to members such like suspension, certain assignments and exercises in the church that looks odd or tends to punish or mortify the flesh and build up the spirit man.