Grief Recovery for Parents: How to Navigate the Grieving Stages of Life and Stop Feeling Guilty After the Loss of...

Grief Recovery for Parents: How to Navigate the Grieving Stages of Life and Stop Feeling Guilty After the Loss of...
Family & Relationships
Independently Published
Craig Asher


Are you a parent who just lost a child? Or has it been long since you lost a loved one? But you are still grieving and yet to recover from your loss? Then you need to continue reading... You are a grieving parent, trying hard to come to terms with your loss. Your heart aches so much that you think it will never heal. Nothing makes sense to you in your grief because you feel life is unfair to you. I understand how you feel. I have been there, and I have recovered from my grief. You can also recover no matter how long you have been grieving. It is not too late! Recovering from the grief of child loss is not easy, but it is much easier than you think once you know how to navigate the different stages of grieving and stop feeling guilty about your child's death. There is no fixed time for grief recovery, but you will not live in guilt forever, and neither will you want your loss to affect every impact you are supposed to have on your society. In the Grief Recovery for Parents Book, you will discover: - Why it is important for you to cry while you grieve - How long does it take to recover - The stages of missing your departed child - How grief affects your health - Triggers and how to cope - How to block noise and have some quiet while you grieve - Steps to forgiving yourself - How your friends can help you during your grief - Why it is important to talk about your loss And much more...

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