In this picture book, a boy writes a letter to an imagined alien, explaining all the things he will need to know about Earth and the people who live here--and adding a postscript asking what the alien might look like.
Planet bumi
From the fiery mass of the Earth's core to the tip of the highest ice-capped mountain, explore every aspect of our planet in awe-inspiring photographic detail.
I'll wager they didn't even know we'd prepared for an attack.” I gulp, suddenly wishing I were in the Odan shelter with Wes's mother and sisters. Pacifia will stop moving soon. When they reach shallower water, they'll likely send out ...
Earth in Action: Res Units
Armchair Fiction presents extra large editions of classic science fiction double novels. The first novel is another gem by Milton Lesser “Forty Days Has September.” An eviction notice from the stars…That’s what Earth was faced with.
Science Explorer: Life, Earth, and Physical Science is a comprehensive series that provides a balanced focus of Life, Earth, and Physical Science topics in each book.
Elevate Science: Earth
Prentice Hall Science Explorer
Inside Earth
An elderly Shelter resident stands atop a rickety chair, addressing a motley assemblage comprised of people his age, young children, and a group of chain-smokers in their late teens. Even that final group listens intently.