YOU Can Create Positive Change at Work!

Mary Ceccanese, Kimberley Barker


Do you wake up in the morning excited to come to work? Are you valued as an employee? As a person? Do you feel part of the company as a whole? Do you leave work with a sense of accomplishment? It would be wonderful if we all could answer yes to these questions. But, sadly, that is not always the case. Despite the flood of books on business leadership and creating a positive and dynamic corporate culture-directed for the most part at decision makers in the C-suite-too many employers still fall short of the mark. These advice books often have little impact on the work lives of those on the front lines. Yet frontline staff make up the largest demographic in today's workforce. Although frontline staff have been referred to as those essential workers who have helped so many in our country and around the world during the COVID-19 pandemic, for the purposes of this book, we define frontline staff as all the people who make an organization run efficiently and effectively (from the custodian to the supervisor). The average person spends more waking hours at work than they do anywhere else. And that's why we believe strongly that the workplace should be an environment where employees are valued and shown that they are a necessary part of the whole team, department, and organization. We are passionate about helping this group of people-YOU-find ways to enhance their work life. Why? Because we have been there. We have experienced firsthand what it is like to work in the trenches-we remember how we were treated, how we were looked at, and what was expected of us. Combined, we have more than forty years of experience in nonmanagerial positions in both for-profit and nonprofit industries such as manufacturing, retail sales, consulting, medical administration, and education. Mary was a single parent who raised three kids, worked full-time, and went back to school at forty-two. Kimberley has been married for more than twenty years and made a major life change-going back to school to obtain her PhD-while she and her husband were raising three teenagers.