Authentic Storm: Hearts Touched by Fire, Book 5

Gina Danna


1856: A free Black lady from Louisiana, a New York abolitionist running for the Senate. Their love is forbidden, yet it could change the country.During the unrest of pre-civil war America, a wealthy plantation owner sends his beloved, educated, biracial daughter to New York in an effort to keep her safe from the growing intolerance of his wife. But Jaquita Fontaine soon discovers that a woman of color, free or not, is not exactly welcome up north. All alone, feeling abandoned, Jaquita struggles to live as a "free" woman while facing prejudices that prevent her from doing something as simple as buying food. When a handsome abolitionist comes to her aid, Jaquita is grateful, but as she begins to lose her heart to her charming knight-in-shining-armor, she realizes their affair could put her in even more danger.New York attorney Thomas McHenry III comes from a staunch abolitionist family, but plans to do more than attend meetings and send donations. He's campaigning for a Senate seat so he can push the end of slavery through Congress. All is going well until he falls for the lovely Mulatto he meets by chance. Jaquita's intelligence and beauty rivals that of any of the 'acceptable' young ladies of his acquaintance, but the color of her skin could destroy his chances at the ballot box.As the country heads towards Civil War, Jaquita and Thomas must determine if their growing love and desire for each other can withstand the social bias of others, or will it ultimately crumble beneath the injustices of the time?

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