This Book, for the first time, deciphers a great deal of mysteries related to the author of Red Chamber Dream, his family, and the Qing Dynasty. As such, this book establish Cao, Xueqin as the greatest artist in the Human history. The book also publishes more than 50 paintings of Cao, Xueqin, including the pictures of himself and his close family members,as well as more than 4 dozens of other beautiful paintings . The book also demystifies the secrets embedded in Red Chamber Dream, and ranks it as the greatest novel in the world. The stories discovered in the book regarding two Jade Empresses, Empress Dong E, the mother of Qian Long, Wu Sidao and China's private advisor culture, the relation between Peach Garden and the Tomb of Cao Cao are all so fascinating and illuminating. A must read for those interested in Chinese literature, history, and arts. For the fans of Red Chamber Dream, this book has been waited for too long. For the first time, this book also discloses the true identity of the author of another famous Chinese book, Chin P'ing Mei with indisputable factual evidence. The Book includes 3 volumes and has over 750 pages in A4 format. This Book is Vol. I. Chapter 1 provides an overview of Redology (study of Red Chamber Dreams). Chapter 2 systematically examines all existing historic evidences and records related to Redology, so to establish a basic understanding of the author and the background of the book. Chapter 3 solves the 13 poem puzzles for the first time, in which the fates of 13 major figures of the book are hidden. Chapter 4 proves the identity of the author and his major family members. Chapter 6 reveals the secrets of 4 Springs (the 4 sisters of Baoyu). Chapter 7 proves that the 12 Monthly Leisure Paintings of Yongzheng are drawn by Cao Xueqin, specifically for the purpose to reveal the true meaning of the book. Chapter 8 proves that Daguan Garden is just Yuanming Garden (Old Summer Palace). Chapter 9 reveals the secrets of Qin Keqing and Yingling. Chapter 10 proves that Shi Xiangyun is ZhiYanZhai, who became Cao Xueqing’s second wife. Chaptet 11 proves that Miaoyu is the mother of Shi Xiangyun, wife of Li Ding. Chapter 12 discusses the true and false grove of Cao Xueqin. Appendix I gives an overview of the research methods of author, Appendix II highlights 《FeiYiZhai Collections》, Appendix III provides a Chronicle Table of Major Events related to Red Chamber Dream, for the convenience of readers and scholars. 本书首次解密《红楼梦》作者的身世、他的家庭背景和人员、以及清朝的十多个重大隐秘。由于这些解密,本书将曹雪芹抬高到世界最伟大的文艺家的地位。本书并解开隐藏在《红楼梦》中的各种隐秘,从而建立起《红楼梦》成为人类有史以来最伟大的文学著作的地位。本书首次公开50多幅曹雪芹的绘画,涵盖他本人、他的家庭成员、以及清朝各类人士和风景画, 并含有数十幅其它精美的绘画。书中有关大小玉妃之争、董鄂妃、乾隆生母、邬思道和中国师爷文化、桃花源和曹操墓的关系等考证也是非常的精彩。对于研究、喜爱中国历史、文学、艺术的人士,这将是一本必读之书。对于红迷,这本书被等待太久了。本书也以不可否认的事实,首次揭示《金瓶梅》作者兰陵笑笑生的真实身份。本书分上、中、下三集,以A4版页出版,超过750页。 本书是上集。第一章提供一个红学概论。第二章系统的梳理了所有已知的红学证据和史料,建立起对于作者和成书背景最基础的认知。第三章首次揭开十三诗谜,其中隐藏着一玉十二钗的命运之谜。第四章和第五章揭开作者和其家人的身份。第六章揭开四春的秘密。第七章证明《雍正十二月令行乐图》乃为曹雪芹为暗示红楼真相所特意绘制。第八章证明大观园即是圆明园。第九章解释秦可卿和英菱的身世秘密。第十章证明史湘云即是脂砚斋,其后来成为曹雪芹续妻。第十一章证明妙玉为史湘云的母亲,其为李鼎的妻子。第十二章揭示真假曹雪芹墓地。附录一提供一个本书研究方法的总体介绍,附录二重点介绍《废艺斋集稿》,附录三提供一个《红楼大事纪年表》,以供读者和学者们研读之便。
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Similarly , Nadja in " Word for Word " is reluctant to call Mr. Frankel by his first name , Ludwig , an act which would signal an acceptance of his appropriateness for her , since Ludwig — like Robert , Ernst , Fritz , Erich , Franz ...
Ellen went to Mrs. Donahue's house for help and Pius was soon hurrying to St. Lucy to telephone for a doctor. When Pius returned he brought the Carriers who remained all night. Bill and Pius helped the doctor set the bone and bind in ...
The mother was on Donahue. 60 Minutes did the doc and they'll repeat the news at ten. People dying, people killing, people crying— you can see it all on TV. Reality is really on TV. It's just another way to see— starvation in North ...
Philip P. Wiener . New York : Charles Scribner's Sons , 1973 . Plato . Plato : The Symposium . Trans . and ed . Alexander Nehemas and Paul Woodruff . Indianapolis : Hackett Publishing Company , 1989 . Plummer , Kenneth , ed .
When the credits started to roll and Carmen, needing her meds and cigarettes, handed Ryan her car keys, Mary Ellen stared in disbelief. “She's giving him her keys!” she thought, eyeing Pepe, trying to catch his attention because he knew ...
Here she debuts a provocative new story written especially for this series.
We make our way slowly into the assembly hall, where 26 identical pillars cut from one rock line the sides. A fat stupa cut of the same rock stands at the innermost part of the hall; 20 feet high, it's shaped like an overturned bowl ...
... 126 , 134 174 , 203 , 211 , 212 , 216 Theodorides , Aristide , 93 Wiseman , D. J. , 50 , 51 , 67 , Thomas , D. Winton , 170 , 84 , 85 , 89 , 93 , 170 , 200 171 , 200 Thompson , R. Campbell , Wolf , Herbert , 126 22 , 47 , 113 Wright ...
Everyone seems to have got something out of the speeches, the Metaphysical Revolution was declared, and Shelley's wind is now scattering “sparks, my words among mankind” (the passage Kathleen Raine quoted). We now hope it translates ...