A Siren's Song: One Woman's Journey from Conservative to Conservationist

James Thompson


A young woman born into privilege suffers the pains of adolescence, witnessing war and injustice firsthand. At the same time, her pristine natural playground is overrun by development, as her sea turtle factory owner industrialist father advises Nixon. Marlu grows away from his core beliefs of unfettered expansionism and economic growth, even as her organic love of nature places her at odds with her Hollywood starlet mother. Banished to Colombia for minor rebellion, Marlu learns of political injustice from her classmate, Amadia, before being whisked away to the Amazon by her friend, Marcy. There she meets a remarkable 'white shaman,' who begins her spiritual awakening. Marlu marries a Colombian playboy, who predictably wanders in the marriage, after his pride is injured by Marlu's prowess in his father's business empire. Pregnant, trapped, and alone, her husband's ancient Bedouin grandmother takes pity on her, inviting her to sit by her fire, where Mama Elena recounts glorious tales of pre-historic matriarchy and early indications of climate change. Translating ancient song, Mama Elena goes on to place historical context around the roles of women in councils and in general society. Over nearly a decade, the old woman shares history with Marlu, explaining in detail how and when partnership and matriarchy were overturned. Tracing the first patriarchs through to Jesus, and beyond, Mama Elena enlightens Marlu regarding the long, slow elimination of women from power and the switch to arranged marriages and the loss of choice. As Marlu gains confidence from her mentor to flee her untenable life, and as Elena grows older and weaker, stories of feminine defiance and re-emergence accompany parables of conservation and preservation inherent in the feminine spirit. Marlu's is a journey of discovery, reliving long-lost wisdoms and laying the foundations for her to become an imminent sea turtle conservationist and protector. Marlu's story is one of expansive history and an amazing penchant for standing in the crossroads of history, over and again in her astounding lifetime.